Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wilton Level 1 Class 1

On June 4, I started the Level 1 Wilton cake decorating class. It would meet every Friday from 6:30 to 8:30pm for four weeks. I had signed up for the class the week prior and was given a list of supplies I would need.

Starting in June, Wilton had redesigned their cake decorating classes. Taking it from four levels down to only three. We were going to be the guinea pigs.

The first decision came when picking out which supplies to get. I could get a box that had all the supplies I would need for Level 1 for $35 or a organizational container that had all the supplies I would need for all three levels for $199. Josh and I flip flopped between the two and finally decided to get the box with just the Level 1 supplies. However, on the way to the checkout I notice a 40% coupon attached to my receipt for paying for the Level 1 class. But it didn't go into affect until the following week. I decided to wait and get the more expensive one later.

The following week I went to get my new container and found out that Michael's was discounting all the Wilton merchandise 25%. So I got the 25% plus the 40% I ended up only paying $94 for the more expensive container. I was extremely proud.

So I came armed to my first class with my container, icing, and 6 flat cookies. The first class pretty much went like this. Welcome to Wilton. blah blah blah. This is how to bake a cake. blah blah blah. This is how to ice a cake. blah blah blah. This is how to put icing in a bag. blah blah blah. This is how to hold the bag. blah blah blah. Finally we get to the part I didn't already know. We used one of the icing tips to create a star. If you put the stars close together they give the cake texture and even decorate a whole cake like Cookie Monster or other character faces pans you've seen.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures to from the first week.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Beginning

I have an obsession with baking and cake decorating. I know I'm not the only one. There seems to be a plethora of shows on the subject -- Cake Boss, Ace of Cakes, Cupcake Wars, Food Network Challenges, etc. I can watch them for hours on end.

I dream of opening a small bakery selling only cakes and cupcakes. While walking through old towns with great storefront shops, I imagine my bakery there. I hope to make a business out of this one day. For now I'm just learning and hoping someone will want to use my services at some point.

For my birthday Josh bought me Wilton cake decorating classes at Michael's. I figured I'd start this blog to post pictures and report my progress. I have my last class for Level 1 this coming Friday. I guess I should have started the blog sooner. I have taken pictures from all of the projects except week one. Those will follow soon (as soon as I figure out how to post pictures to the blog site).