Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wilton Flowers and Cake Design - Classes 2 and 3

Roses - My pink icing was too hard so I had to switch to the purple.
Daffodil - My yellow icing was too hard as well. Do they have purple daffodils in nature?
Apple Blossoms - I also made some Violets (not pictures) that look just like this but in purple (obviously).
Rosebuds - These were my favorite to make

So I haven't quite figured out how to do the whole typing and posting of pictures on the blog. This is my 4th attempt to do so. I'm sorry to say that if this doesn't work there will be no words only pictures from now on.

For classes 2 and 3 we used royal icing to make flowers. You use royal icing instead of buttercream because the royal icing hardens quicker and better. You make royal icing by combining powder sugar, meringue powder, and water. I also added vanilla the first time. The taste is quiet different. I think it has a slight lemony taste. The second time I made it I added some almond extract and it taste way better but still not great.

Next week we are decorating the whole cake. Stay toned....


  1. Looks great to me! Don't give up on the blog, I get frustrated doing Emily's because you add pictures and they don't go where you want them to go and the info you type in looks different once it is posted. But I'm enjoying following your decorating exploits! When do we all get samples??
